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What is Chi Alpha?

We're a diverse group of students seeking to know Jesus and make Him known at Ivy Tech.

Whether you’ve been following Jesus your whole life or you’re investigating Christianity, we would love to have you join us!


Our Name

The Greek initials Chi Alpha refer to the phrase "Christ's Ambassadors" from 2 Corinthians 5:20. "We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God." We are reconciling students to Christ so that we can see not only our campus transformed, but also the marketplace and the world!

What do we value?
​Everything we do is tied to our three anchors:

Worship: personal devotion to knowing God and loving Him, not just with words and songs, but with our lives


Family: enjoying deep, lasting friendships as we grow together in Christ

Mission: fulfilling the Great Commission by making disciples of all nations


Our Beliefs​

1.   We believe the Bible is God’s message to us, so we seek to understand and obey its truth. 
​2.   We believe there is one God who is three persons, so we yearn to know Him in all of His complexity and beauty. 
3.   We believe Jesus is fully God and fully human, so we rejoice that Christ can be a bridge between us and God. 
4.   We believe people throughout history have sinned against God, so we are deeply aware that we too are marked        by willful disobedience. 
5.   We believe God extends forgiveness to us through Christ, so we repent and rejoice in our forgiveness. 
6.   We believe God offers freedom from sin’s grasp, so we live lives that are pleasing to God. 
7.   We believe followers of Jesus must be empowered by the Holy Spirit, so we expect supernatural power in our            daily lives. 
8.   We believe that God can heal both the body and the heart, so we pray with faith and hope. 
9.   We believe a mark of empowerment to the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues, so we welcome and encourage              the use of this supernatural gift.
10.  We believe  in the Church, so we live in this community of faith, inviting others to join us. 
11.  We believe God gives leaders as gifts to His Church, so we serve those whom the Lord entrusts to us. 
12.  We believe God commands his followers to celebrate communion and baptism, so we practice these symbolic           actions, reflecting on their significance. 
13.  We believe Jesus will return to claim His Church, so we live in expectancy of His coming. 
14.  We believe Christ will one day be seen clearly as King on earth, so we live as citizens of His Kingdom now. 
15.  We believe God is the ultimate Judge, so we live knowing that our choices will echo through eternity. 
16.  We believe we will live with God forever, so we live with hope regardless of our circumstances. 

© 2025 Lafayette Chi Alpha

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